1 CNY = 127.03 KPW
CNY/KPW Exchange Rate Today
CNYKPW = 127.0325

updated disclaimer
100 CNY = 12703.25 KPW

1 RMB = 127.03 KPW | RMB to KPW Conversion Rate Today

1 RMB = 127.03 KPW is the RMB to KPW conversion rate today on UTC time . The RMB/KPW is stronger today. Chinese Yuan Renminbi has increased 2.096% percent today against North Korean Won when compared to yesterday’s rate. Today’s highest rate is 127.0307 KPW and lowest rate is 127.0239 KPW. In the currency pair RMB/KPW, RMB is the base currency and KPW is the quote or counter currency in trading.

The basic analysis of RMB:KPW exchange rate, percent increase or decrease, day low, day high, historical data, chart, general comparison and other forex information help currency traders, exporters, importers, tourists, travelers and any organization to understand and forecast the performance of this currency pair. Similarly, the basic analysis of KPW to RMB conversion help users to forecast the strength of KPW/RMB.

RMB/KPW Conversion Rate by Date - Historical Data

All  Last 7 Days Last 10 Days Last 30 Days
Historical Data for RMB to KPW Conversion Rates
DateRMB/KPW Rate% ChangeLowHigh

To forecast the strength of Chinese Yuan Renminbi against North Korean Won, drill down the above RMB/KPW conversion chart which shows the date and day based historical data with percentage change (increase or decrease), highest and lowest rate in last 7 days, 10 days, 30 days and 3 months. Click or tap on the quick filters such as last 7 days, last 10 days, last 30 days or last 3 months () to list the date based exchange rate history to understand the performance of Chinese Yuan Renminbi/North Korean Won currency pair.

Chinese Yuan Renminbi vs North Korean Won - General Comparison

Chinese Yuan Renminbi & North Korean Won Comparison
CurrencyChinese Yuan RenminbiNorth Korean Won
Conversion1 RMB = 127.03 KPW100 KPW = 0.79 RMB
100 fen = 1 RMB
100 chon = 1 KPW
Subunit Symbolfenchon
Bank Note Denominations¥1, ¥5, ¥10, ¥20 & ¥10010₩, 50₩, 100₩, 200₩, 500₩, 1000₩, 2000₩ & 5000₩
Coins10fen, 50fen & ¥110chon, 50chon & 1₩
Country China  North Korea
Major Currencies Conversion Rates1 RMB = 0.14 USD, 1 RMB = 0.13 EUR, 1 RMB = 0.11 GBP100 KPW = 0.11 USD, 1000 KPW = 1.04 EUR, 1000 KPW = 0.89 GBP
Local Time
UTC Time & Date

This is the general comparison between Chinese Yuan Renminbi to North Korean Won to list out the general details of each currency such as what is the official currency name, currency code, currency symbol, subunit name, subunit symbol, coins, bank note denominations, country name where the currency is official, today's exchange rate for major currencies, local date, UTC time & date.

Compare RMB & KPW with Most Traded Currencies

RMB & KPW currencies compared to major or most traded currencies based on today's exchange rate values on .

Most Traded Currenciesin RMBin KPW

RMB to KPW Bank Notes & Coins Conversion

Chinese Yuan Renminbi in North Korean Won Today
for coins

  • 10 fen = 12.7 KPW
  • 50 fen = 63.52 KPW
  • 1 RMB = 127.03 KPW

for Bank Note Denominations

  • 1 RMB = 127.03 KPW
  • 5 RMB = 635.16 KPW
  • 10 RMB = 1270.32 KPW
  • 20 RMB = 2540.65 KPW
  • 100 RMB = 12703.25 KPW

RMB/KPW Most Frequent Conversion

  • 1 RMB = 127.03 KPW
  • 2 RMB = 254.06 KPW
  • 5 RMB = 635.16 KPW
  • 10 RMB = 1270.32 KPW
  • 20 RMB = 2540.65 KPW
  • 50 RMB = 6351.62 KPW
  • 100 RMB = 12703.25 KPW
  • 200 RMB = 25406.5 KPW
  • 500 RMB = 63516.25 KPW
  • 1000 RMB = 127032.5 KPW
  • 2000 RMB = 254064.99 KPW
  • 5000 RMB = 635162.48 KPW
  • 10000 RMB = 1270324.97 KPW
  • 20000 RMB = 2540649.94 KPW
  • 50000 RMB = 6351624.85 KPW
  • 100000 RMB = 12703249.69 KPW
  • 1 Million RMB = 127032496.92 KPW
  • 10 Million RMB = 1270324969.24 KPW

The analysis of RMB to KPW conversion which includes the details of today's RMB/KPW exchange rate, today's percentage change, history, chart, day high, day low, 7 days average, 10 days average, monthly and quarterly average help overseas employees to forecast what would be the best time to transfer the money to friends and family (home country) from abroad, tourist to forecast what would be the best time to exchange currency abroad, a business to forecast what could be the best time to increase the productivity, and the currency traders to forecast what would be the best time to buy or sell currencies.

FAQs of RMB/KPW Analysis Today

How much is 1 RMB in KPW?
1 Chinese Yuan Renminbi is equal to 127.03 North Korean Won today on Wednesday, May 15, 2024.
updated 8292 hr 36 min ago

Is the KPW stronger than the Chinese Yuan Renminbi?
Yes, RMB/KPW is stronger today. Chinese Yuan Renminbi has increased 2.096% today against North Korean Won from yesterday's rate.

What is the highest and lowest rate of RMB/KPW today?
The highest exchange rate is 127.0239 KPW and lowest is 127.0239 KPW against Chinese Yuan Renminbi today.

What is the RMB/KPW pair percentage change today?
1 RMB = 127.0325 KPW today and it was 124.4246 KPW yesterday. RMB/KPW pair percentage change is +2.096%. Chinese Yuan Renminbi is being exchanged at higher rate today against North Korean Won when compared to yesterday.

What is the RMB/KPW percentage change in last 7 days?
RMB/KPW percentage change in last 7 days is NAN%. Chinese Yuan Renminbi's buying power has decreased NAN in last 7 days against North Korean Won than the previous 7 days.

What is the RMB/KPW percentage change in 30 days?
RMB/KPW percentage change in last 30 days is NAN%. Chinese Yuan Renminbi's buying power has decreased NAN in last 30 days against North Korean Won than the previous 30 days.

What is the RMB/KPW percentage change in last 3 months?
RMB/KPW percentage change in last 3 months is NAN%. Chinese Yuan Renminbi's buying power has decreased NAN in last 3 months against North Korean Won compared to previous 3 months.

What is the maximum and minimum rate of RMB/KPW in last 7 days?
In last 7 days, the maximum rate of RMB/KPW was NAN KPW and the lowest was NAN KPW.

What does RMB/KPW mean in currency exchange?
RMB/KPW is the short representation of RMB to KPW exchange rate in the forex market, where RMB is the base currency and the KPW is the quote or counter currency in trading. RMB/KPW = 127.03, it means that 1 Chinese Yuan Renminbi is being exchanged for 127.03 North Korean Won today.

How much is 100 Chinese Yuan Renminbi in North Korean Won?
100 Chinese Yuan Renminbi is being exchanged for 12703.25 North Korean Won today on Wednesday, May 15, 2024

What is 1 Million Chinese Yuan Renminbi in North Korean Won?
1,000,000 Chinese Yuan Renminbi is equal to 127032496.92 North Korean Won today.

How much RMB is 1 Million North Korean Won?
7872 Chinese Yuan Renminbi is equal to 1 million North Korean Won today.

What are the banknote denominations in RMB and KPW?
The banknote denominations of RMB are ¥1, ¥5, ¥10, ¥20 & ¥100. Similarly, the banknote denominations of KPW are 10₩, 50₩, 100₩, 200₩, 500₩, 1000₩, 2000₩ & 5000₩.

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